Monday, October 21, 2019

Resources For Beginner Writers


Resources are like 'little helpers', they make your work easier and save you time.
Some function like little 'business partners'.
But mostly you need them for 'perfecting your work and marketing' and thus increasing your ROI and Sales.  
Enjoy your day!  Writers are unique in that we change the world by educating and edifying minds.  Cheers!

1.) WRITING EDITORS. It only takes one misspelled word to label you as an amateur To write like a Pro you need an editor that does the hard work for you.
Here are two FREE EDITORS you can use. Of course, you can upgrade for more features.
One Editor to correct misspelled words, and Two, an editor to correct your misstructured sentences.

2.) GRAPHIC DESIGNS. You will need a good GRAPHICS WEBSITE for book covers, logos, videos, and a host of other things that make you a creative genius.

3.) A TITLE GENERATOR.  Your Title is your first selling message, get it wrong and you can forget about any further reading or sales.  These Generators will generate winning titles for you as well as subject lines, domain names and give you data on which one is the best for your niche.
Because KEYWORD RESEARCH and SEO OPTIMIZATION is so much a part of a good title help on these is included in these TITLE GENERATORS also.

4.) AUDIO SPEECH GENERATOR. One of the best ways to write a best seller is to hear your novel or story read out loud to you. This not only helps you edit your story better but it gives you a FEEL about how the reader is ACCEPTING your book and this is very important.  For it is the FEELING of the book that sells not the WORDS! This SPEECH GENERATOR will read back all your stories in English or Spanish so you can hear what your project sounds like.  This is NEW and worth every cent.  TRY IT FOR FREE with us!

5.) VIDEO/COMMERCIAL MAKER and EDITOR.  VIDEOS and IMAGES give you almost 70% more in sales than CONTENT. You got to make PRODUCT IMAGES look good! You need to BRAND and make VIDEOS to promote your product and services.  In this package, we give you several VIDEO MAKER/EDITORS and WEBSITES to make all kinds of videos to increase your profit and sales.

We are NOT compensated for most of these products and services or software.  Most are free but others do charge a fee and others have a limited free trial.  SO PLEASE make sure you select the item you want if you really need it.

Lastly, we will be adding other RESOURCES we think you can use from time to time and you will be the FIRST to know.


To Your Continual Success,
mr. bruce, Manager, 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

How To Write The Best Book Details

How To Write The Best Book Details

Listen to Amazon's Kindle info on how to create the best book
details for your book.  
This is important for the details are the second thing a buyer uses to purchase a book.
Don't 'pitch-a-sell', be human, and write like a human being to another human being.

To your continual success,
B. L. Peterson

Saturday, April 27, 2019

How To Use The Right Tone

How To Use The Right Tone

When the right tone is employed, writing can transcend the words on the page. It’s what allows writers to create complex characters, to build a world that feels real.
Tone, to me, is like the Harry Potter house-elf of craft,” says author and sensitivity reader Dennis Norris II. “If I remember the language of something I’ve read, I am remembering the tone. It’s just there, and you’re benefiting from it. If the work was memorable, the tone plays a role in it.”
Whether you’re writing a book, a tweet, or an email, emotion and tone help define the message. To help you master it, we’ve put together this guide to tone, emotion, and writing:

What Is Tone In Writing?

TONE is the attitude your writing employs. Just like the tone of voice, the tone in writing gives much more context beyond the words used. It can reveal intention or conceal it. As memoirist and writing coach Adair Lara says, “Tone is what the dog hears.”
If, for example, your boss sent you a Slack message that said, “Do you have a minute to talk?” you might think, “Oh no, what’s wrong?” If she rephrased it as, “Got time to chat real quick?” you might be less alarmed. There isn’t a negative force lurking in the background. That contrast is because of tone.
And while the emotional response you take away from a message may not necessarily be the intention of the sender, it still exists, and people will seek it out when reading. “If the reader doesn’t respond the way you want them to,” says Lara, “you don’t have a reader.”

What informs tone in writing?

Tone, like language itself, works because people agree on the meaning behind words. Cultural norms often dictate how those are perceived. And it takes knowledge of those norms and expectations, as well as the context of the conversation, to be able to convey the intended emotions. The stakes are often elevated to match the importance of the message, so more attention is warranted. Norris II is well-versed in this phenomenon.
“When I’m doing a sensitivity read, I typically examine every single aspect of the work—the language, the content, the plot, the psychology of the characters, the [political and personal] context,” they say. “Inequity doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and neither does humanity. I have to mine the work incredibly closely if I’m going to help the author complete a piece that doesn’t further marginalize folks who are often not portrayed, or not lovingly portrayed, on the page.”
Even if you aren’t writing a book about complex topics like race, gender, and class, tone-based misinterpretation can still happen in everyday exchanges. If you’re texting someone you just met and are interested in romantically, the difference between “For sure!” and “Ok” can be painfully apparent. That has to do with the cultural expectations placed on words within the context of texting.
“Perhaps because we have become accustomed to exclamation points and emojis, when they are missing, the text can seem angry or cold,” notes Dr. Tchiki Davis, founder of the Berkeley Well Being Institute. In fact, that gap between the desired emotional reaction and perception is very common. And many readers will read the text as slightly more negative than the writer intended.

What kind of tones are there?

The tone is as diverse as our emotions. It can convey the positive, negative, neutral, and everything in between.
Let’s say you were invited to someone’s party. Here are a few examples of tones that can be employed in a response:
Enthusiastic: I’d love to!
Casual: Sounds good [thumbs up emoji]
Formal: I would be happy to join you.
Irreverent: But I HATE parties [winking/smiling tongue out emoji]
Joyful: Yay! Yes!
Solemn/Serious: Thank you for the invite, but I’m afraid I can’t at this time.
Hostile: Why would you even invite me, Susan?
Cautious: …What time does it start?
Indifferent: kk

How does tone impact a reader’s emotional response?

This complex relationship starts in your amygdala, which is where your brain processes emotions. It’s theorized that it interacts with the visual cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex (a.k.a. where your decision-making comes from) to produce the relationship between emotion and the written word. So you see the words on the page, interpret their meaning, add a layer of emotional context, and that engenders words with emotional meaning.
Except the amygdala isn’t always as involved in language comprehension. It varies in strength from person to person. And not every word carries the same emotional weight. So in that way, there is an element of the unknown.
Still, there’s room for a scientific approach to mastering tone. According to Plutchik’s wheel of emotions, feelings can generally be calculated based on the combination of basic emotions. So to create a feeling of love, there must be both joy and trust. Or to make envy, you’d combine sadness and anger. (Think of it as the alchemist’s guide to emotion.) When combined with the NRC Word-Emotion Association Lexicon, which sorts words into corresponding emotional reactions, feelings can be reverse-engineered, word by word.

How to intentionally create tone and avoid missteps

Once you’ve figured out your desired tone, here are a few things you should keep in mind while writing:
Word (or emoji) choice: In general, it’s best to strive for positivity. If a word or emoji feels wrong, consider rephrasing, removing it, or using a thesaurus to find the word that best fits your intention.
Personal pronouns: Pay attention to the main subject in a sentence. For example, “you” puts the onus on the reader, while “I” or a lack of personal pronouns is less likely to make the reader feel called out. It’s not a bad thing to use “you,” and there are situations where it makes sense. Just make sure it’s the right call for the situation. Pronouns are also important when it comes to addressing people. Failing to use the correct pronoun (he/she/them) can create a tone of disrespect.
Punctuation: Lack of punctuation is more casual, which can make it tricky to pull off in professional settings. Punctuation isn’t always critical to tone, but keep in mind that it can have an impact.
Consistency: One tone-deaf sentence has the power to destroy all of your hard work. It’s especially important to look for consistency when you have strong feelings about the topic.
Honesty: It’s important to tell the truth—not just about what you say, but also in how you say it. If you aren’t true to yourself, the tone may become contrived or off-message. It’s like hearing your sweater vest-wearing aunt Linda use the phrase “it’s lit.”
Empathy: Once you have your sentence or message written, read it aloud and try to imagine your reader’s reaction, or run it by a friend or colleague. External factors, like the recipient’s personal or job circumstances, will certainly have an impact—you can’t control that. But you can dictate how thoughtful you are about what you write. And that kind of empathy is powerful.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

B. L. PETERSON, Author

About the Author 

Bruce LaMar Peterson


Of course, I am Bruce Peterson, and I am an American Black Jew, born in Columbus, Ohio, and have been writing for over 45 years and have been a Christian, Satanist, Buddhist, and Atheist and now I consider myself a SPIRITUAL PERSON with SPIRITUAL IDEAS I believe helps man and mankind.

These ideas are presented in my life's work and development of a new science called METAPSYCHICS: Advanced Science of Mind and a Transcendental Technology never seen by man before.
I write under the pseudonyms: B. L. Peterson for NON-FICTION and Spiritual, Self-Empowering books, and Bert LaVey for FICTION and occult books.
I graduated from Ohio Dominican University with a B. A. in Psychology and Telecommunications and served in the U.S. Navy as an Electronics Technician for over 4 years. 
I attended Jefferson Bible College for one year and was a member of the prestigious Sea Org of Scientology where I learn how to investigate, study, and apply Scientology technology to myself and others for the benefit of man and mankind.

I have written over 40 self-help, self-empowering books, science fiction, and historical books with some on-sell on Amazon Kindle right now.
I bring a "new Mental, Spiritual, and Transcendental Technology" to the Mental Health and Human Resources fields of the world. Finally, there is a real help for the mentally ill and the physically ill person.
I am the Founder and Director of The MetaPsychics Foundation that teaches man and mankind HOW TO USE his Infinite mind {MasterMind} to overcome the limitations of his limited {slave-mind}.
MetaPsychic's Motto is: "Helping Others, Help Themselves."

You change the world by changing yourself.

METAPSYCHICS can be summed up in this one ABSOLUTE AXIOM:


MetaPsychics is the only Spiritual Science and Transcendental Technology available to mankind today.
I reside in sunny California with my best friend, Rocky, and a few crazy comrades.